Sherri Fox
Level 2
QHHT Practitioner
Are you ready to change your life?
Have you been searching for answers but find they are no where in sight?
Do you feel like you have never fit in and don't belong here?
Have you had unexplained experiences and want to find out more?
Do you have an addiction(s) you want to be done with once and for all?
Do you have physical and/or emotional discomfort and are searching for instant relief?
If any of these questions resonate with you...stick around and read on...!
What is QHHT®?
A QHHT session is a wonderful way of finding answers or seeking instant relief from ailments or dis-ease while being in a safe, comfortable, friendly and confidential environment. Your Subconscious / higher self / over soul is really you; it is the bigger part of you who and is always with you; communicating with you in many ways. We tend to dismiss those messages being sent or are unaware of those messages but it is ever-present with you. Because it is the biggest force in the Universe, it can do anything and it has the answers to anything. It is total love and it knows everything. This powerful force can do miracles.
QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) was created and developed by Dolores Cannon more than 50 years ago. QHHT® achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. The Somnambulistic state (aka "Theta") is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Through the deepest state of trance, we explore a past life where there is important information relevant to this current life. Then we access your Subconscious mind (also known as your higher self, over soul or that part of you that is directly connected to the Universe/ God/ Source) to ask any questions you may have and for instant relief of the mental and physical body.
Please note: QHHT® is never done remotely. It must be in person to ensure the the best experience and for the comfort and safety of the client.
If you would like more information, please visit:
Please be sure to watch the videos below!